cocreating meaningful life
Ontvlam (27-42j)
Sun, 20 Dec
Authentic dating (NL) 27- 42jaar

Time & location
20 Dec 2020, 19:00 – 22:00
LivingLei, Lei 15, 3000 Leuven
A “Sparkling Senses-Ontvlam” evening invites you to meet other singles in a re-newing, easy and titillating way.
You are invited to make a connection, not just with words but also physically. You can experience what feels right for you, what gives you a spark….
Nothing is forced, it’s about exploring yourself and another person. For example: by answering unusual questions, touching hands, being surprised by someone you did not expect it from. By focussing on what you feel, you quickly connect on a deeper, more profound level. This evening is not so much about profiling yourself, about what you do in daily life nor how you come across, it's about how you make connection and
It’s about who you truly are… ❦
❦ By who?
Sparkling Senses’ is developed & facilitated by Lisa Pangrazio (Ontvlam) – Emotional Body worker – in co-creation with LivingLei.
❦ For who?
Hetero singles- from 27-42 years old
❦ Practicals
- welcome from 18.45, start at 19.00, ending around 22.00
- voertaal Nederlands
- min 12, max 20 people, we are taking care of a fitting mix of age & gender
- water & tea included
- contribution €39,- incl VAT
- subscribe here on the website of Ontvlam