cocreating meaningful life
Yoga for Connection ꕥEveryMondayꕥ
Mon, 16 Mar
Start your working week in a good mindset.

Time & location
16 Mar 2020, 08:30 – 9:30
LivingLei, Lei 15, 3000 Leuven
Start your workday & week with a good mindset in a relaxed body.
It will give you so much more energy & resilience for the challenges we face every day.
It is a gift to yourself.
Who? Silvia Prins, our teacher, will guide you each Monday morning trough your practice.
She has recently fullfilled her yoga-teaching-course and is looking forward to guide you through the session.
Besides yoga-teacher, Silvia is a doctor organizational & clinical psychology
and educated as a OD consultant, system psychodynamic coach & Gestalttherapist,
as well as an other of many books, articals and numerous blogs.
Silvia gives a classic hatha-yoga.
This means sessions will typically involve a set of physical postures and breathing techniques, practised slowly and with static posture holds (more than perhaps a Vinyasa flow or Ashtanga class).
- doors open at 08.15
- yogamats & cushions available
- no experience required
- € 9,-